Eine Geschichte,
wie Schule auch sein kann

Tashi Rabten – A Day in the Life of a Buddhist Monk

von Scuola Vivante am 20. November 2014
  • Allgemein

On this week’s Thursday outing, the Primarstufe were introduced to the Buddhist way of life with a visit to Tashi Rabten, a Buddhist Monastery in Feldkirch.

Upon arrival, our first exercise was a guided walk up the hill to a “Stupa”, a prayer monument that the Monks walk around several times a day in meditation. It is believed that each revolution is a rebirth and has a positive karma working on the world. We made a few circles with two monks dressed in traditional burgundy robes and followed our guide down the hill.

After a short stop at the newly constructed temple we made our way to a larger structure and after removing our shoes entered a beautifully adorned space with effigies of the Buddha and other deities. Our guide, monk Markus, answered all our questions and I think we all came away with a message of gratitude and kindness to others.

He then showed us how to meditate by focusing on our breathing but before we got too drowsy it was time for lunch. Lunch was a huge and wonderfully seasoned portion of rice and vegetable with lentil soup. We were also treated to dessert and biscuits!

After a quick exploration of the surrounding forest it was already time to say goodbye. A big thank you to Tashi Rabten and Markus for an enriching insight into the practices and principles that inform the Buddhist way of life.


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Dankesbrief Tashi Rabten 2

Dankesbrief Tashi Rabten 1