Eine Geschichte,
wie Schule auch sein kann

A funny crew

von Scuola Vivante am 10. Mai 2002
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Meeting the youngsters was not as daunting as I had imagined. You must understand that I often think workshops are going to be worse than they actually turn out. They were a funny crew, made up of the most interesting characters: good humoured rappers that don’t like to sing, shy girls with beautiful voices and youngsters with diverse interests from keeping guinea pigs to playing practical jokes.
They loved to sing and one loved to rap. I loved to teach them to sing.

The rapping was an unexpected talent that added a spectacular dimension to the workshop. Their ability to work together in groups was very impressive – forgiving each other the odd wrong notes. Their enthusiam made them a joy to work with. Their creativity simply called for a recording.

Oh I had fun! I missed them all.
I hope they will dig deeper to find the talents hidden within and enrich the world by sharing it.

Ndidi Iweanya Del Fatti